Achieve dreams with Sziluett Klinika!

Plastic surgery, cosmetic, minimally invasive and surgical procedures tailored to your needs and expectations, using the latest technologies.

Personalised plastic treatments

in Gödöllő since 2000


With our many years of experience, we can offer you the most suitable and proven most effective intervention for your needs and expectations.

We take every detail into account during planning, so we always provide personalized treatment.

Plasztikai sebészet - Plastic surgery

Reconstructive and aesthetic plastic surgery are present in all our plastic surgery procedures and form a close unit. At any age, a natural effect and the most perfect restoration of form and function can only be achieved by a combination of both techniques.

We strive to achieve a natural and long-lasting result with less visible scarring and minimal recovery time.

Kontroll - Controll

We constantly monitor our patients during their recovery.

We are constantly replacing, expanding and modernising our equipment to ensure that we always have the latest surgical techniques and technology.

Our tools include lasers, which can be used in combination treatments, depending on the nature of the problem and the type of skin.

Our activities are always carried out in accordance with the licences and regulations of the competent Hungarian medical and administrative authorities.

We keep an eye on national and international journals and are constantly expanding our knowledge by attending national and international congresses and reporting on our findings.

Our most popular interventions

János Gyetván MD
plastic surgeon

As a surgeon and as a plastic surgeon, the patient is the most important thing for me, both during the procedures, treatments and the follow-up. 

Not only by keeping my professional knowledge up to date, but also by constantly modernising the clinic's machinery and ensuring maximum patient comfort, I strive not only to achieve the best possible results, but also to make plastic surgery the best possible experience.

Get to know me!

Patient reviews

A műtét időpontja számomra második születésnap lett, illetve azóta minden nap ünnepnap is. Bár már eltelt közel 6 hónap, mind a mai napig mosolyogva töltök jó pár percet reggel… 

Hálával és köszönettel tartozom elsősorban és kiemelten Gyetván doktornak munkája színvonaláért, a mostani jó közérzetem elősegítéséért, emberi és korrekt hozzáállásáért állapotomhoz, betegségemhez, hozzám.

Frequently asked questions

Can any vision be achieved with plastic surgery?

Plastic surgery procedures cannot correct all the expectations - sometimes unrealistic - that the patient has dreamed of. This has both genetic and surgical limitations. Only a correction that fits in with the harmony of the body can be carried out.

Can all operations be done with lasers?

Although lasers are specialised and modern instruments, they are not miracle devices, so they cannot solve every problem. Our laser treatments are tailored to the nature of the problem and the capabilities of the laser to ensure optimal results and patient satisfaction.

What is the difference between reconstructive and aesthetic plastic surgery?

Plastic surgery is made up of two closely related parts: reconstructive and aesthetic plastic surgery.


Reconstructive plastic surgery is concerned with the restoration of the form and function of the human body, the correction of congenital or acquired defects: malformations, diseases, accidents, or tissue defects and defects caused by surgery. Replacement of lost body parts is also part of reconstructive plastic surgery.


The primary aim of aesthetic plastic surgery is to create a more aesthetic, youthful appearance that is more suitable for the patient. It is often referred to as cosmetic plastic surgery.


There is a lot of overlap between the two fields, and they complement each other to improve the desired result. The elimination of deformities and functional abnormalities usually means a more aesthetic appearance; the creation of a more aesthetic appearance is most often both a restoration of form and function.

Who can perform plastic surgery?

In Hungary, plastic surgery ( aesthetic surgery ) can only be performed by a plastic surgeon.


The diploma of plastic surgeon is issued by the National Qualification Committee. It gives the plastic surgeon the right to perform plastic surgery.


Once qualified, a plastic surgeon can only work independently after 5 years of supervised plastic surgery.

Are plastic surgery procedures expensive?

Plastic surgery fees in Hungary may seem high, but they are significantly lower than in Western European countries, let alone the United States.


We suggest you don't make your decision based on price alone. On a superficial level, there can be a wide variation in the price of the same interventions, but it is important to know that below a certain cost level, it is not possible to consistently provide the right staff and equipment.


When comparing prices, always consider the total amount: what looks cheap may not be cheaper at the end of the whole treatment or surgical procedure.

Do I have to pay VAT on plastic surgery?

Sales tax must be charged on treatments and operations specifically for aesthetic purposes, in accordance with the relevant legislation.

How to choose a plastic surgeon?

The most important aspect is that the surgery is performed by a properly qualified plastic surgeon with the right guarantees and professional experience. Patients should be "conscious customers" who are aware that the success of the surgery depends fundamentally on the plastic surgeon and his/her skills.


The doctor should always be the deciding factor, not the institution!


We can be sure that a good plastic surgeon will have the right institutional framework and the best possible technical background, working in conditions that offer his patients the highest level of safety. International statistics have shown that plastic surgeon-led plastic surgeries or clinics are safer than non-plastic surgeon-led units.

What happens at the first consultation?

In a relaxed environment, we discuss the patient's problem, expectations, ask questions and provide detailed information about possible surgical solutions to the lesion.


This involves an examination of the part of the body to be corrected, so that we can consider the individual characteristics of the patient, which have a major influence on the possible plastic solutions and the expected result.


We will also take photographs of the current condition of the body part to be treated and, if necessary, carry out a computer-aided design.

What kind of anaesthesia is used for plastic surgery and operations?

Different anaesthetics are used during surgery and various interventions, depending on the nature of the procedure and the patient's sensitivity.


Minor procedures, which are of little distress and discomfort to the patient, can be performed under local anaesthesia and do not require the patient to lie down. You can go home after the procedure.


Larger operations can only be performed under general anaesthesia and the night after the operation must be spent in the clinic. Fresh laboratory tests are required before anaesthetic surgery.

Can I request anaesthesia for minor surgery?

If there are no contraindications to anaesthesia, weighing up the pros and cons, it is possible.

How painful is plastic surgery?

For most plastic surgery, there is little discomfort or pain during recovery. Of course, the incidence and extent of these will vary considerably depending on individual sensitivity and the type and extent of the surgery.

What restrictions can we expect after plastic surgery?

Depending on the type and size of the plastic surgery and the type and size of the operation, advice on the recovery period varies. These are always individual and will be discussed in detail with the patient before the operation.

Can a plastic surgeon operate without a scar?

The aim is to make the scars left behind after various surgical procedures aesthetically unobtrusive, barely noticeable, as hidden as possible in everyday social situations, or at least easily "disguised".


All wounds, including surgical wounds caused by a plastic surgeon, heal with a scar. It would be a mistake to think that a plastic surgeon can work without a scar.


The visibility of the scar depends more on the patient's propensity to heal than on the plastic surgeon's technique.

What is atraumatic surgery?

Surgical incisions made in the skin are always made with maximum adherence to tissue-sparing plastic surgery principles: i.e. hidden; sharp; as short as possible; preferably guided in the skin folds and in line with the lines of force.


In this way, the blood supply to the scar is improved and the tension in the scar line is reduced as much as possible.


The surgical incision is made by a plastic surgeon using special threads, a special suture technique and additional adhesives.


The basic prerequisite for optimal scarring is maximum immobilisation of the surgical wound, eliminating all external and internal irritants for as long as possible.


This also requires the patient's cooperation during the recovery period and maximum compliance with the instructions given by the plastic surgeon.


Will I be informed about the risks?

Before the intervention or surgery, the plastic surgeon must inform the patient about the possible complications, their consequences, the way to avoid complications and any other necessary interventions.


If the patient agrees to undergo the operation in full knowledge of these facts, the surgeon who performs the operation cannot be held responsible for any complication.

Can surgical complications be avoided?

Your plastic surgeon will do everything possible to ensure that your wound healing is uneventful and free of complications.


All surgical activities carry the possibility of surgical complications, even plastic surgery. This can happen even if the plastic surgeon is skilled, experienced and takes the utmost care in performing the plastic surgery. This is called surgical risk.

Are you sure you will like the results of your plastic surgery?

Actual professional errors, where an intervention fails because of a doctor's untrained or inexperienced hands, are very rare.


It is more common for the plastic surgery to be professionally perfect, but the patient is not satisfied with the result. In such cases, there may be body image disturbance, psychological disturbances behind the desire to change the physical appearance, or the patient may have had exaggerated, unrealistic expectations of the procedure, expecting a miracle from the surgeon and the procedure.


Even with a whole range of cosmetic interventions, the plastic surgeon cannot solve the inability to accept the physical features, the self-image disorders and the problems of life management.


Thus, patient satisfaction is not the same as surgical success, and patient dissatisfaction is not the same as surgical failure.

Can a single plastic surgery operation solve all the problems on the affected body part?

In most cases, the right intervention can achieve the desired result.

However, there may be cases that do not produce satisfactory results and corrective intervention may be necessary.